“…are defeats necessary? Well necessary or not, they happen. When we first begin fighting for our dream, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”—Paulo Coelho
Many of us fail to live life fully because of fear—fear of defeats in particular. This specter is haunting us from inside and out making us acquire losing attitude. From the inside, we are ravaged by our fear of failure, dread of discouragement, struggle of sin, and the likes. Furthermore, outside forces uplift our losing attitude more with the existence of problems, criticisms, and the likes.
But, are these ghosts really necessary? Well, necessary or not, they come and the happen. The problem lies only on how we confront them.
We can’t have any other way to get rid of these problems but to face them—by having a winning attitude. In this context, problems must be viewed as part of life and as an avenue for success. Problem is just a further impetus, a stimulus, a compelling force. It is not something that will prevent us from moving forward. Rather, it is a learning experience—an opportunity in disguise.
Changing losing attitude to winning attitude is a personal choice. This will truly depend on how we see and value things around us. Faith, having good world perspective before us, developing the desire to change for the better, developing good habits, and the likes can help us win a winning attitude. With this in mind, we must also remember that, “failure will never overtake [us] if [our] determination to succeed is strong enough.” (Og Mandino)
(a reflection on John Maxwell's "A Winning Attitude")
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